Lease vs. Buy: Which is the Best Option for You?

When it comes to acquiring a new vehicle, the age-old debate between leasing and buying continues to rage on. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice you make should align with your specific financial circumstances and lifestyle. In this blog, we'll explore the pros and cons of leasing a car versus buying one to help you make an informed decision.

Leasing a Car Advantages

Lower Monthly Payments

Leasing typically involves lower monthly payments compared to buying a car. This is because you're essentially renting the vehicle for a specific period, and you're only paying for the depreciation of the car's value during that time.

Newer Vehicles

Leasing allows you to drive a brand-new car with the latest features and technology every few years. This can be especially appealing if you enjoy having access to the latest automotive advancements.

Lower Maintenance Costs

Since leased vehicles are typically under warranty for the duration of the lease, you're less likely to incur major repair costs. Routine maintenance is often covered as well.

No Resale Hassles

When your lease term ends, you can simply return the car to the dealership and walk away. You don't have to worry about the hassle of selling or trading in the vehicle.

Tax Benefits

In some cases, you may be able to deduct a portion of the lease payments from your taxes if you use the car for business purposes.

Leasing a Car Disadvantages

Mileage Restrictions

Leases come with mileage limits, and exceeding them can result in costly overage charges. If you have a long daily commute or take frequent road trips, leasing may not be the best option for you.

No Ownership

At the end of the lease term, you don't own the car. You'll need to decide whether to lease another vehicle or purchase one, which means you'll never have an asset to sell or trade in.

Additional Fees

Leasing often involves fees such as acquisition fees, disposition fees, and potentially higher insurance costs.

Limited Customization

Most leases come with restrictions on customizing or modifying the vehicle, which can be frustrating if you enjoy personalizing your car.

Buying a Car Advantages


When you buy a car, it's yours to keep for as long as you want. This can lead to long-term savings since you won't have monthly payments once the loan is paid off.

No Mileage Restrictions

There are no mileage limits when you own a car, so you can drive as much as you want without worrying about overage charges.


You have the freedom to customize and modify your vehicle to your heart's content. You can also sell or trade it in whenever you choose.

Long-Term Savings

While the upfront costs of buying a car may be higher, you'll likely save money in the long run because you won't have continuous monthly payments once the loan is paid off.

Buying a Car Disadvantages

Higher Monthly Payments

Buying a car usually involves higher monthly payments compared to leasing, as you're paying for the full cost of the vehicle.


New cars lose value quickly, and this depreciation can be more pronounced in the early years of ownership. When you decide to sell or trade in, you may not recoup the full purchase price.

Maintenance Costs

As the owner, you're responsible for all maintenance and repair costs once the warranty expires, which can add up over time.

Risk of Depreciation

The resale value of your car can be unpredictable, and if it depreciates significantly, you may lose money when you decide to sell or trade it in.

Lease or Buy from McKie Ford Lincoln!

Whether you should lease or buy a car depends on your individual needs and financial situation. Leasing offers lower monthly payments and the joy of driving a new car every few years, but you won't own the vehicle and will have mileage restrictions. Buying a car gives you ownership, flexibility, and potential long-term savings, but you'll have higher initial costs and ongoing maintenance expenses.

Consider your driving habits, budget, and future plans when making your decision. Ultimately, the right choice for you will come down to what aligns best with your preferences and financial goals.

Whatever your decision, consider McKie Ford Lincoln! We have sales experts who will walk you through the sales or leasing process and be a resource for you even after you leave the lot.