Exchange Department

Hassle Free
Bring your car to us for a specialist to verify the offer using the same questions you answered online and we handle all of the paperwork.
Instant Cash
Tell us about your car’s specific features and conditions and get an Instant Cash Offer good for 7 days.
Highest Value
We will evaluate your vehicle thoroughly and make sure you get the highest offer possible.

How It Works:

  1. Get an instant cash offer
  2. Tell us about your car’s specific features and conditions and get an Instant Cash Offer – offers are good for 7 days.

  3. Bring your car to us
  4. Bring your car in for a specialist to verify the offer using the same questions you answered online and we handle all of the paperwork.

  5. The offer is the same
  6. Whether you sell or trade-in the offer is the same.

Why McKie is the Best Place to Sell Your Car!

We will give you a check that you can cash that day for the highest value possible for your used car.

Our cash offer to buy your car is good for seven days.
We are safe, fast, and efficient with no hassles and no pressure to buy anything from us.

Our professional inspection team will handle all the paperwork and ensure you get the best value offer.
No strange phone calls or meetings with strangers, we take the worry away and make it easy.

Mckie is the best place to sell your car for the most money possible. You’ll walk away with a check and no headaches.

What To Bring

Title or Payoff Info

Loan Info

Valid Registration

All Keys and Remotes

Titleholder Photo ID